Hey "Teenager Parent", I see you.


The teen years are challenging (to say the least!) But you don't have to do this alone.



Hey "Teenager Parent", I see you.


The teen years are challenging (to say the least!) But you don't have to do this alone.


I know what it's like.


👉️You walk on eggshells because of their unpredictable moods - never knowing which simple question about school or suggestion about a problem will set them off or trigger disrespectful sarcasm. 

👉️They're often uncooperative (or "forget") about things like getting off the game console, starting their homework or doing chores. Their lack of motivation and cooperation is mind-blowing.

 👉️You try to be patient, give them space, and stay calm, but you end up arguing, lecturing or losing your $h!t. It feels like they push your buttons on purpose.

👉️They’re doing risky things and you can’t figure out how to make them stop. You’ve tried talking, threatening, lecturing, issuing consequences but nothing seems to help. 

 👉️You worry excessively about their future and how they'll function in the world based on their current behavior. 

👉️You're exhausted, disheartened and even resentful at times. You love them more than anything but feel they don't even notice all the things you do for them. You just don't know what to do anymore.


I know how hard you've tried to get this right! But bad information and advice just makes it harder.

It's not your fault that you're stressed out, frustrated, or "at the end of your rope" with your teen. This $h*t is HARD!

😐️You're just parenting the only way you've ever known. Maybe it's the way your parents raised you.

🫤You've taken advise from friends, family members, counselors, and teachers. But not only are you confused, but nothing has changed at home with your teen.

😟You feel like you're failing as a parent despite having tried so hard to be the best you can be.

😢You're so overwhelmed, anxious, and desperate for change but wonder if anything can help at this point. 

I know that anxiety and the desperation all too well.
But, I'm telling you, I can help you turn things around.

Parent Camp will help you better understand your teen's emotions and behavior and learn to respond in a way that will change everything.

You're invited to join...

Parent Camp

Parent Camp is both a learning experience and a community for parents trying to figure out how to make life better for everyone in the family, while parenting teenagers.

If you're the parent of a kid anywhere from age 10 to 20 or so (who's still living at home) and you're confused, stressed, worried, and frustrated - you're in the right place to learn a better way forward.


Here's just some of what you'll get out of Parent Camp...

Enjoy life with your partner again

Parenting teenagers can be really hard on a marriage or other relationship. Learn together so you can work as a team, with common goals and a common understanding.

Learn strategies for challenges

Never again feel lost or stuck in the moment trying to figure out what to do or what to say when your teen has done something wrong, made a mistake,  or come unglued.

Experience personal growth

Learn more about yourself; what shapes your own thoughts, emotions and behavior. Push yourself to meet parenting challenges and treat yourself to life beyond parenthood.

You can change your family's story. Stop wishing things were better and make them better.

I created Parent Camp as a place to receive truly transformative, research-based information, guidance and support from me and other experts. I understand where you are and where you want to be and I know how to help you get there. Join me, guest experts and other parents inside for everything you need to parent your teen in a way that brings peace and strength to your family and gives you your life back. There's no reason to be so stressed and alone. Change is absolutely possible. 

You can change your family's story. Stop wishing things were better and make them better.

I created Parent Camp as a place to receive truly transformative, research-based information, guidance and support from me and other experts. I understand where you are and where you want to be and I know how to help you get there. Join me, guest experts and other parents inside for everything you need to parent your teen in a way that brings peace and strength to your family and gives you your life back. There's no reason to be so stressed and alone. Change is absolutely possible. 

Exactly what do you get inside Parent Camp?


Field Guide To Teens

The Field Guide is the foundational parenting course encompassing the 4-part framework for strengthening your relationship and decreasing conflict with your teen, while improving their behavior.

Weekly Meet-Up

We'll meet each week, live, inside Parent Camp, for a Q & A-style Group Coaching session. This is when you can get specific  guidance on current issues with your teen(s) or tween(s) as they relate to the Field Guide.

Monthly Guest Expert

Each month we'll have a live meet-up with an expert in a subject related to parenting teens or being the parent of a teen. You'll be able to submit your question prior to the event, which will be available via replay.

Fireside Chats

The community forum will give you 24/7 access to ask questions of Ann and talk to other like-minded parents dealing with similar issues and engage in weekly challenges to hone your new parenting skills.

A little more about The Field Guide to Teens...

The Field Guide is literally your guide to finally getting this teen parenting thing right. Forget the arguing and the meltdowns and the constant consequences and the worrying. I'm going to help you chill out and get in the groove!

Section 1 - Your Teen's Brain

Want to understand why your teen thinks, feels and acts the way they do? There's a really good reason why they can act like such an a-hole sometimes! 

In this section I explain the basics of what's happening inside your teen's brain that's as confusing to them as it is maddening to you.

You'll walk away from this Section understanding the basis for all your teen's unpleasant behavior and will have much more empathy and patience as you learn to parent them differently.

Section 2 - Your Emotions

It's hard to overestimate the importance of becoming more aware of and learning how to manage your emotions.

As the parent of a teen or tween, you face enormous emotional challenges. Some of them are small (disrespectful talk, cooperation, etc.)

Others (risky behavior, failing grades, mental health issues) can feel overwhelming and can cause such emotional dysregulation for you, that you can't parent the way you want. 

Section 3 - Emotion Coaching

Emotion coaching is a relationship-saving skill that too few parents innately understand. And it's critical to parenting during the teen years.

I'll teach you this new way of listening, talking to, and interacting with your teen when they're having a teen tantrum or emotional meltdown.

Emotion coaching will not only help your teen calm down but it will help them learn crucial skills like emotional regulation, self-control and problem solving. And it will give you a lot more peace in your home!

Section 4 - Discipline

What many parents fail to realize is that discipline is not about punishment or retribution but about teaching teens how to become young adults.

There are many reasons why parents trip up on discipline. You may have been raised by parents who focused on obedience and little else. You may be influenced by other parents in your circle. Or, you could be so nervous about your teen's future that you overcontrol and issue super restrictive consequences.

I'll teach you why common disciplinary methods fail and how to do it in a way that helps your teen learn, while maintaining your connection.


You can skip Parent Camp...

and keep doing what you're doing and hope things will miraculously change - or that the counselor or treatment program will fix everything.

You can continue to wonder what you're doing wrong and what you can do better, without solid answers and guidance.

You can continue disagreeing with your spouse as you both dig in about how to parent your teen.

You can stay stressed out and anxious about your teen's future and beat yourself up for being a "terrible parent."

Or, you can join Parent Camp...

and begin learning and making small changes in your own behavior that will yield positive results in your teen's behavior.

You can learn science- based tools and skills that will help you modify your parenting with expert guidance and community.

You can agree to open your minds to a new way of seeing your teen as you team up to implement these new parenting skills.

You realize there is so much hope for the future as you begin to see positive changes in your teen's behavior and in your relationship with them.



Hey There.

I'm Ann Coleman and I know how you feel right now. My son had some significant behavioral issues during high school and I was terrified for his future. That fear dictated my response to his behavior. I tried to make him behave by lecturing, punishing, and controlling.

My husband and I disagreed on how to deal with the issues and we were all miserable. I felt desperate, ashamed, and totally alone in this struggle. After seeking help from a revolving door of mental health professionals, I finally realized, we didn't need anyone to fix our son, I needed to learn to parent him differently. And as I learned new skills, things began to change. Soon, we saw glimpses of our sweet boy and before long our relationship and his behavior had completely turned around. 

That was 2018, and since then I've gradually transitioned from practicing attorney to parent educator. I couldn't stand the thought of other parents spinning their wheels in misery (as I did) rather than making their family's life better. For years now I've emersed myself in the science of parenting adolescents and I'm here to help you ditch unhealthy and unhelpful parenting habits and enjoy life with your kid again!

You do not want to wake up a few years from now wishing you'd gotten this right.

Let me tell you a little more of my story.

My son began smoking marijuana and having increased instances of anxiety in high school - on top of his ADHD. And for at least his 16th and 17th years, I was convinced that the more I lectured, punished, yelled, and controlled him, the better he would behave. And for two whole years I didn't acknowledge the pattern I'd set in motion: the more I did these things, the worse his behavior, the more he got into trouble (with other drugs, the law, at school, etc.) the worse his anxiety, the worse his depression, his anger. We were in a downward spiral and our lives were in chaos. And it essentially all started with my lack of awareness and knowledge. Basically, I just didn't know what I didn't know (and there was a lot I didn't know!)

It wasn't until he was literally turning 18 that I began learning the science-based concepts and principles that would allow me to see my son's behavior in a different light - and begin thinking and parenting him completely differently.

I started trying new approaches with my son and I kept reading, researching, and studying the science of adolescence and parenting...and really soon, we began to see a difference in his behavior, our relationship with him, and his overall attitude towards life. It was nothing short of miraculous.

His anxiety began to subside, he stopped acting out in anger, his depression disappeared, he stopped dabbling in dangerous drugs, he began behaving more "rationally" and loving towards us. Our sweet kid had reappeared!

Since then I've read, studied, dissected and written about literally hundreds and hundreds of scientific journal articles, studies, and stacks of books. I've written a volume about the adolescent brain, adolescent behavior and parenting adolescents - I literally wrote a book for myself (complete with over 300 citations) just to keep up with it all and make sure I understood it well before teaching anyone else.

My goal, from almost the very beginning, has been to share all of this work with you. I've spent thousands of hours sifting through all of the information, understanding it in minute detail, and putting it all together in a way no one else has before. I make it easy for you to understand and digest everything you need to know to to bring about behavior change in your teen, and bring peace and connection back to your family. I want to help you avoid the chaos and heartache we went through. You have an opportunity to correct course sooner rather than later (although we are living proof that it's never too late!) 

Our son, now 23, is in a great place emotionally, relationally and mentally. He lives in the beautiful mountains of Colorado where he snowboards almost every day of the year and has recently gotten his first sponsorship, which makes him a "professional snowboarder" - a goal of his since high school. He has a 5-year plan, future entrepreneurial goals, cooks gourmet meals, travels and has a great group of friends. We have a wonderfully close relationship with him and we're so proud of the person he's become. I really don't know where we'd all be if I hadn't learned what I did, when I did. 

I want this transformation for your family as well.

Still have Questions? I have Answers!

If you're still not sure Parent Camp is for you, schedule a 15-minute call with me to make sure your questions are answered!

I'm happy to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have about what's inside PARENT CAMP and what you can expect to get out of it.